Steven Universe Fanon Wiki
Our Ordinary Lives
Season 1, Episode 1
Written by: CookieCattie
Storyboarded by: CookieCattie
Episode guide
Such a Blue Day

Our Ordinary Lives is the first and pilot episode of Call It a Day.


Meet the Precious Jewels!


Four gems are sitting in a circle on the beach, discussing something.

Alexandrite: How about The Cluster? Should we take a look on how it's doing and plan when to dismantle it.

Larimar: I have a feeling that we shouldn't go there.

Agate: And why is that?

Larimar: I don't know... it's just...

Alexandrite: What?

Larimar: Maybe something's lingering around there...

The fourth gem's rabbit ears perked up, and he shivered.

Larimar: What is it, Tanz?

Tanzanite picks up a tab and writes "I agree with Larimar. We shouldn't go there anytime now."

Larimar: See? The wise one agrees with me.

Agate: We should check on it now! You never know if it's incubation sped up or something.

Alexandrite: That's my point here!

Larimar: Okay, alright, but only for a few minutes.

Agate and Alexandrite: Alright...

Tanzanite reluctantly nods as the other gems stand up, heading towards a peculiar structure on the beach.

The gems warp towards Facet Twenty, a place somewhere in Idaho. This is where The Cluster is incubating, along with other forced fusions.

Alexandrite: I'm having second thoughts of my decision... *shivers*

Tanzanite shivers, too.

Agate: Calm down, it's not even a full minute yet.

Larimar: 'Aight.

A soft bush-rustling is heard. The group turns towards a thornberry bush a few meters behind, and sees two red Centipeetles.

Agate: Agh! This little brats for the second time in a day!?

Alexandrite: Agate, Tanz, Lari, into position!

The gems then fight the two Centipeetles, which grew one centimeter with every attack. The gems finally defeat them when Tanzanite threw his Scythe towards both the Centipeetles. The gems are poofed.

Alexandrite: Woo, good job once again, Tanz!

Tanz scratches his head and smiles.

Agate: We should look for more critters to interact with. This is fun!

Alexandrite: Alright, okay.

The group walks deeper into Facet Twenty. A soft grunting noise was heard, and when the group turn around, Tanzanite is nowhere to be seen.

Larimar: Oh no...

Alexandrite, Agate, Lari: Tanz! Where are you!?

No answer.

Alexandrite, Agate, Lari: Tanzanite!!!

Yet again, no answer.

Alexandrite: Tanz!!! Where in the earth are you!

Alexandrite's eyes started to fill with tears of worry, yet still sounding angry.

Alexandrite: C'mon, let's look for him. I'll go this way. Lari, you search at the right. Agate, search in the left! We don't want anymore gems to be killed!

Agate, Larimar: Yeah, okay!

Alexandrite nods, and says "Good luck!" As they leave, she stares down the path. Gotta find him within the hour, she thought. She walks down the path.

A few minutes into the search, Alexandrite heard a roar followed by a blood-curdling scream. Yet another gem in danger.

Alexandrite: Oh, no, it must be Larimar!!!

Filling with no hope, Alexandrite followed the source of the noise and found what appears to be a green gem. '''It's not Larimar's... and especially not Agate's... and of course, not Tanzanite... whose gem could this be? Alexandrite thought. She put the gem into her pocket, amazed with her find.

Just before she could turn back, she saw it-- the Red Centipeetle Mother! She screamed, hoping that Agate and Larimar could hear it.

Agate: What the... woah!

Larimar: Stand still, Alexandrite!

Larimar pulls out her weapon and slashes the monsters body. The monster began acting dizzily for several seconds.

Agate: Yeah, keep slashing!

Lari: I would if you help me here!

Agate: Ugh, fine!

Agate nonchalantly says as he pulls out his weapon and attacks the monster with his axe. Larimar proceeds to attack it herself, until the Red Centipeetle punched her hard, causing her to fall.

Lari: Oww...!

Agate: That dang creature!

Agate screams as he lunges forward before being pushed back hard by the monster.

Agate: GAH... NO!

Alexandrite pulls out her own weapon and attacks the monster from behind.

Agate and Lari: Yeah, go, Alexandrite!

The two screamed and cheered before Alexandrite poofs the monster. Larimar runs over and bubbles it.

Larimar: That was quite easy!

Alexandrite: Yeah, easy for you to watch me poof that monster.

Larimar and Agate rolls their eyes. Agate then sees the glowing rock Alexandrite picked up earlier.

Agate: Wait, wait, wait... is that Tanzanite??

Alexandrite produces the green gem from her pocket.

Alexandrite: This? No, no, no, it's a differ-

Larimar: No, it really looks l- oh... right.

Alexandrite rolls her eyes and laughs softly before putting it back to her pocket.

The  gems continue searching until they decide to split up again.

Larimar was walking down the path, scanning her surroundings when she finally saw it-- Tanzanite's gem.

Larimar runs and picks it up carefully. She examined it for any scratch marks, and fortunately, there weren't any. She screamed for Agate and Alexandrite before they flew into the scene.


Agate: Yeah... what do you expect? Another creature to fight or something?

A loud roar is heard. The gems slowly turn around, and sees yet another Centipeetle, but about five times bigger. The gems look terrified before it finally blacks out.



  • Alexandrite (TPJ)
  • Larimar (TPJ)
  • Tanzanite (TPJ)
  • Agate (TPJ)
  • Green Goldstone (TPJ)
  • Red Centipeetle


