Steven Universe Fanon Wiki

This is the eleventh episode in the Celestial Gems fanon.

Driving Class
Driving Class
Season 1, Episode 11
Vital statistics
Air date September 10th, 2015
Written by JinxBinx
Directed by JinxBinx
Episode guide
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Chill Times Ahead It's Wonderful, here.


Hi! So, I guess we requited a new Member to our little team, huh? Paraiba Tourmaline. She's pretty cool! A Homeworld Technician, so she'll know more stuff about that place then we do, currently. Eventful day!


The Celestial Temple was empty today, not a sound was made in the majestic temple, except for the hum coming from the glowing Gem's on the Temple door, that held the rooms in the Temple. Pandora looked at the door, and pawed the door, whining softy, before the door opened, The Gem's rushing out.

"Jeez, why do we have to go NOW?" Hessonite groaned, adjusting her glasses.

"Because!" Labradorite said, stopping at the Kitchen, and running to the gigantic pantry, and grabbing some food.

"Because tell's me NOTHING." Hessonite face palmed.

Purple Topaz picked Pandora up, putting her on her shoulder, and grabbing a set of keys from the counter.

"Okay, so we've had our driving classes for today, hopefully, this goes smoother then last time." Purple Topaz said.

"Driving class for a space ship is difficult." Moonstone pondered.

"Yeppers!" Labradorite ran out of the kitchen, his food bag filled up with snacks.

"I don't think we need that much food, we're only leaving for a few days.." Purple Topaz pointed.

"Well...You never know..." Labradorite spoke.

"Eh." Hessonite tilited her hand.

The Gems walked out of the Temple, and were greeted with a tall, larged, fanged furry beast.

The beast was tall, standing a little shorter then Hessonite, it had dark green fur, and sharp teeth.

"Hello Kiba!" Purple Topaz greeted, petting Kiba on the head.

Kiba let out a mewl, and purred.

"Awhh, you'll keep our Temple safe?" Purple Topaz looked at Kiba.

Kiba gave a nod, licking his teeth.

Hessonite scratched Kiba behind the left ear, and chuckled.

Kiba purred, and swished his tail in content.

Labradorite took Kiba's fluffy face in his hands, and scratched his cheeks.

Moonstone scrached the fur around the collar on Kiba's neck.

"He's doing well, without Piy..." Purple Topaz murmured, petting Kiba.

"Yeah.." Moonstone nodded.

Hessonite checked her watch around her wrist, and gasped.

"We gotta GO!" Hessonite yelped, and they ran to a part in the forest around the Celestial Temple, where no trees were.

Purple Topaz clicked a button on the keys, before a shift occured in the area, and a Spaceship appeared.

"I think making it invisible was a bad idea." Labradorite pondered.

"Eh." Purple Topaz shruged.

They hopped in the Spaceship. The Ship was luxurious, leather seating, GPS, there was even a place for soda's in the dash,

"Ughh.." Purple Topaz plopped in the driver's seat, and put the key in the ignition.

Hessonite sat in her seat, and saw the severed seatbelt, and gasped.

"Who did this!?" Hessonite gestured to the Seatbelt.

"I dunno. Maybe a Leprechaun." Purple Topaz snipped.

"Very funny." Hessonite sighed.

"Probably Mooloo." Labradorite spoke, doing a small twirl into his seat.

"Ugh. He IS a Leprechaun." Hessonite facepalmed.

Moonstone sighed, carrying Pandora and sitting in his seat.

"Can we get this practice flight done and over with?" Moonstone asked.

"Yep Yep." Purple Topaz nodded, and she activated the ship, and took off.

"So like, if I had extra arms, like a fusion, I would use them for better boxing." Labradortite said, his hand on his chin.

"If you're a good fusion, you don't have extra arms." Purple Topaz pointed.

"True. When Liro and Mooloo fuse, they only have a extra set of arms." Moonstone said.

"Yeah, it's because they're in sync with eachother." Hessonite said.

Purple Topaz turned in her chair, and yawned, stretching her arms over her head. A pop sound was heard, and she sighed.

"Much better." She spoke.

"Damn." Hessonite quipped.

"Remember that time Purp and I fused?" Labradorite asked, rubbing his chin.

"Let's not." Purple Topaz sighed.

"I remember! You two were so..." Moonstone trailed off.

"Lost in fusion?" Hessonite asked.

"Yeah! That!" Moonstone snapped his fingers, smiling.

Purple Topaz shuddered, while Labradorite chuckled.

"It was monstrous." Purple Topaz said.

"It was a giant, androgynous, ass kicker!" Labradorite pointed.

"Oh come on, we almost destroyed a town!" Purple Topaz spoke.

"...Touche." Labradorite said.

"Uhm, guys?" Hessonite interrupted.

"Wha?" Moonstone asked.

"WHAT IS THAT?!" Hessonite yelped.

Purple Topaz swiveled around in her chair, and saw what Hessonite was talking about. There was a Gem, floating around in space. They seemed to be un conscious.

"Who is that?" Purple Topaz blinked, looking harder at them.

"Maybe a Homeworld gem?" Moonstone said.

"Naw." Labradorite spoke.

"I'm going to go get them." Purple Topaz said, getting out of her chair, and walking to the exit hatch.

There was a loud, muffled yell, and they all turned, and saw the Gem floating by the windshield of the ship. Both hands and fingers were raised, in a rude gesture.

"What the hell?" Purple Topaz murmured.

"Rude!" Hessonite yelled.

The Gem yelled something in retort.

"WHAT?" Hessonite pressed her ear to the windshield.

The Gem spoke again.

"THE BRITISH ARE COMING?" Hessonite yelled, for conformation.

"UGH! Stop!" Purple Topaz jumped out of the ship, and grabbed the Gem, jumping back inside.

"YOU CLODS!" The Gem spat, and tried to sit up, before groaning.

"One, Rude. Two, how did you get so hurt?" Purple Topaz asked, propping the Gem's head up.


"Well....Yes, but not anymore. We've been outcasts for hundred's of years." Purple Topaz said.

"Who are you, anyways?" Labradorite asked.

"You...aren't from Homeworld...Oh! I am...was...A Homeworld Technician..." The Gem trailed off.

"I was one of those! A long time ago, haha." Moonstone chuckled.

"A Moonstone model?" The Gem asked.

"Yes." Moonstone nodded.

"Ah." The Gem turned their head to Purple Topaz once more.

"What were you doing, floating around out there?" Hessonite asked, confused.

"I was cast out from Homeworld..." The Gem said, sadly.

"Your gem...It's a Tourmaline?" Purple Topaz asked, looking at the Gem's Gemstone.

"Yes. A Paraiba Tourmaline." Paraiba Tourmaline spoke, softly.

"Wow. Those are...I didn't know Homeworld still made those. They're very rare." Purple Topaz's gem glowed, as she placed her hand on Paraiba's Gem, and healed her.

"Indeed. Your Gem is...A Amethyst?" Paraiba Tourmaline asked, looking at her gem.

"No..It's the wrong structure and mineral build...It's..A..Purple Topaz!?" Paraiba Tourmaline asked, jumping slightly in Purple Topaz's arms.

"Yes." Purple Topaz chuckled, and nodded.

"You...You aren't THE Purple Topaz?!" Paraiba Tourmaline asked, looking skittish.

"I am, actually. Ta da." Purple Topaz smiled, and spoke in a singsong voice.

"Forgive me, Commander! I did not know!" Paraiba Tourmaline jumped.

"No need for the royal talk, Paraiba. I've left that behind, many, many years ago." Purple Topaz took her hand off Paraiba's Gem, and helped her up.

"B-but all the story's on Homeworld! You and your team are INFAMOUS!" Paraiba Tourmaline quaked in her technician boots.

"Paraiba. We're not part of Homeworld anymore. I'm not a commander." Purple Topaz spoke, softly.

"T-Then...Wh-What do I call you?" Paraiba Tourmaline looked at all of them.

"Well, for now, you can call us your friends!" Labradorite smilied.

"Are you s-sure?" Paraiba Tourmaline asked.

"Indeed." They nodded.

"C-could I-I ask s-something?" Paraiba Tourmaline asked.

"Shoot." Hessonite waved her hand.

"C-Could I come back to Earth with you?" Paraiba Tourmaline asked.

"Sure!" Purple Topaz nodded.

Labradorite, Moonstone, and Hessonite nodded as well.

Paraiba Tourmaline smiled, feeling comfort and safe for the first time in years.



  • Paraiba was flipping them off when she was floating through space.